martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Our Final Play - Children's Literature





· NARRATOR: Cinderello lives in a house with his Stepfather and his two Stepbrothers. His Stepfather never works around the house. Every day she says.

· STEPFATHER: Cinderello, out the trash, Cinderello, clean the house. Cinderello, work, work, work!.

· NARRATOR: His Stepfather is not good. He is bad. One of Cinderello´s Stepbrothers is fat with a big nose. The other one is thin, with big ears, and they don´t like to work either.

· STEPBROTHER 1: Cinderello, come here!.

· STEPBROTHER 2: Cinderello sweep the floor!.

· STEPBROTHER 1: Cinderello clean my shoes!

· NARRATOR: Cinderello is very handsome, and hardworker. He is good to his Stepfather and to his Stepbrothers. One day they receive an invitation.

· STEPBROTHER 1: Father, read it!.

· STEPBROTHER 2: What does it say?.

· STEPFATHER: It says that every man is invited to a ball.

· CINDERELLO: Oh, I want to go to the ball. I like to dance.

· STEPBROTHER 1: You want to go to the ball?. You must be crazy!.

· CINDERELLO: Yes, I want to go to the ball.

· NARRATOR: Cinderello works hard. He buy the suit for his Stepfather and his Stepbrothes. He doesn´t have time to make his own suit.

· STEPBROTHER 2: We are going to the ball!. We are going to the ball!.

· STEPFATHER: If you don´t have a suit, you will not go to the ball.

· NARRATOR: Cindirello got angry.

· CINDERELLO: I don´t have an elegant suit. I have an ugly suit. I am not going to the ball.

· STEPBROTHER 1: What a shame!. We have pretty suit. Good-bye!.

· NARRATOR: Suddenly, Cinderello sees a very beautiful woman. It´s his Fairy Godmother.

· FAIRY GODMOTHER: Now you have a pretty suit.

· NARRATOR: Cinderello looks at his cloth and says.

· CINDERELLO: Yes, I have a pretty suit!. I am going to the ball. I am happy!

· FAIRY GODMOTHER: Just remember that you have to come back at twelve o´clock. Don´t forget!.

· CINDERELLO: No, I won´t forget!. Good-bye.

· NARRATOR: Cinderello going to the ball, and when entering the palace everyone looked and stepbrothers did not recognize, the beautiful princess dance with him all night but after the midnight, Cinderello run away from the palace.

Cindirello ran so fast that his shoe stayed in the stairs.

Princess very sad ask all invited about the handsome gentleman and did not succeed, I only found one shoe. Then you decided to go from house to house throughout the kingdom to prove to all men that shoe.

The next day the princess went to the house of Cinderello to try the shoe to all men of the house

· PRINCESS: Is the handsome man here?

· STEPFATHER: Yes, he is. That is my son´s shoe. Son, come here.

· STEPBROTHER 1: Yes, father.

· STEPFATHER: Try on the shoe.

· NARRATOR: His son, who is very fat, tries to put on the shoe.

· STEPBROTHER 1: I can´t . This shoe is too small, and my foot is fat. It hurts!. This is not my shoe.

· NARRATOR: Meanwhile, Cinderello is coming down the stairs and says.

· CINDERELLO: That shoe is mine.

· STEPSISTERS: Ha, ha, ha. You’re silly!.

· CINDERELLO: Yes, that shoe is mine!. And I have the other one.

· NARRATOR: Suddenly she appears with his pretty suit, and once again she looks very handsome.

· PRINCESS: I love you!. I love you!

· CINDERELLO: I love you too .Do you want to marry me?.

· PRINCESS: Yes, I want to marry you.

· NARRATOR: And now Cinderello and the Princess live happily in the palace.



By Lenny

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