martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

First time taking a seminary

Hello guys!

 That is my experience. Been my first time taking a seminary in the continental hotel. It was awesome.
Before going to the seminary the teacher said that we have a seminary in the continental  hotel, the first thing that past to my mind is a seminary in the hotel continental  I didn´t believe that. When i arrived to the hotel I told one of the guy who works there and i tell them where is the classroom in the second floor to the at right side he said. I went to the room and nobody was there yet, but inside the classroom was the teachers that willl exposed there speech in class. little by little people was coming in  to the class but of course got my spot before. 

By Enrique


Built from 1881 until 1914, the Panama Canal was among the largest and most difficult engineering projects ever undertaken. Functioning as a short cut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, it greatly reduced the travel times for ships – enabling them to avoid the lengthy, hazardous Cape Horn route around the southernmost tip of South America. For nearly a hundred years, the canal enjoyed great success, acting as a key conduit for international maritime trade. By the early 21st century, however, it was handling far more vessel traffic than had ever been envisioned by its builders. In 1934, it was estimated that the maximum capacity of the canal would be around 80 million tons per year. In 2010, the actual figure was nearly 300 million tons and growing rapidly, with over a third of shipping traffic unable to pass through because of size. Global demand necessitated a major upgrade. Plans were formulated for various improvements – including the excavation of new traffic lanes allowing more and larger ships to transit; two new locks, one each on the Atlantic and Pacific sides; the widening and deepening of existing channels; and the raising of Gatun Lake's maximum operating level. Construction was originally slated to take seven or eight years, with new locks beginning operations in late 2014, almost exactly a century after the canal first opened. In 2012, however, it was announced that the expansion project had fallen six months behind schedule, pushing the opening date back to April 2015. Further delays were reported in September 2014. In early 2016, construction is finally completed and the new gates are open for transit.* Capacity has now been doubled, allowing the canal as a whole to handle the projected rise in volume to 2025 and beyond. This mega-project eases numerous burdens on the shipping industry, as well as creating huge numbers of jobs among the Panamanian people – generating enough wealth to reduce poverty in the country by almost 30%. However, critics of the project contend that there are serious environmental issues. Map of the Panama Canal expansion project in 2016. Credit:

                               DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE B AND V SOUND

                                                                                                         BY: IRE



viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

Pronunciation Class - Final Project Video

Our Professor for the Pronunciation III Class, Mr. Sanchez, asked us to create a video based on different Sounds of consonants and vowels. This was my humble result.

The consonant K [k]

By Lenny

Lecture: Smart Notebook 11 and The Importance of a Portfolio

SMART Notebook 11

Lecturer: Prof. Mariela Marin

A SMART Notebook is a collaborative learning software, that allows educators to easily create engaging interactive learning experiences while providing the flexibility to respond to the needs of learners in realtime. Plus, it’s easy to standardize on Notebook software across all brands of interactive hardware in your school or district.

Is quickly and easily create and aggregate dynamic, interactive content. Allow for real-time changes in instruction with formative assessment and other interactive tools. Ensure that teachers can standardize across interactive displays and operating systems with a flexible, evolving platform. Leverage teacher and student devices to drive discussion, assessment and content creation. Tailor the experience for every lesson with subject-specific functionality. Enjoy the benefits of a proven technology developed specifically for education over 22 years, and used in 2.4 million classrooms worldwide.

The Importance of a Portofolio
Lecturer: Mgstr. Nereida Soo

The Importance of a Portfolio A portfolio is a living and changing collection of records that reflect your accomplishments, skills, experiences, and attributes. It highlights and showcases samples of some of your best work, along with life experiences, values and achievements. The personal information that you incorporate into your portfolio can greatly reflect on your abilities as an individual as well as become a useful tool in marketing yourself to employers, corporations, colleges and universities. A portfolio does not take the place of a resume, but it can accentuate your abilities and what you can offer in the chosen field.

Why do I need a portfolio? 
A portfolio can set you apart from other applicants, whether in a professional or academic setting. • It allows you to be more personal and creative in order to expand on and exhibit your skills, knowledge, projects and experiences. • A portfolio is a method of selfdiscovery and confidencebuilding. • It is a multi-faceted way to organize your accomplishments, goals, aspirations, and personal thought. It showcases your personality to potential employers and organizations. • It is a useful tool to include in an interview. It provides tangible proof of your skills and abilities and demonstrates to the employer that you are qualified for that specific job. • It can be helpful in applying for bonuses, scholarships, grants and negotiating promotions and raises. • A portfolio demonstrates prior work or learning experiences that can be useful for educational credit.

How do I create an ePortfolio?
Online Portfolio—Useful in an academic and professional setting; enables your credentials to be more easily accessible via the internet. This should not take the place of a hard copy portfolio, but be created in addition to one. This portfolio can be very helpful for those planning on applying for a job in the field of technology and/or graphic design. Also, an online portfolio can be useful to anyone in any given field. As the Information Age progresses, prospective employers are beginning to request online portfolios. Bear in mind that several employers may be located afar and with one click of a mouse, they can access your information more readily

As the Information Age progresses, prospective employers are beginning to request online portfolios. Bear in mind that several employers may be located afar and with one click of a mouse, they can access your information more readily.

What should my portfolio include?
A Good portfolio would probably have most of the following

- An index of the contents
- Your CV including your interests and any evidence of project management skills.
- Your CV should give the impression that you think like a designer.
-Perphaps a profile or personal statement.
-Your key achievements and skills
- Examples of your work of course with good documentation. Place the best and most relevant work first and start and finish with strong pieces of work.
- Include a variaty of examples of work you have done.
Your main example needs to reflect your strenghts and your creative approach and flair.
-Items that show our thought process and development of ideas are valuable: seuqence of photos for example.
- Production portfolios can also include budget sheets, idea pitches and marketing materials.

IMPORTANT: Always be as specific as possible. Your portfolio can become quite a large collection of materials. For interview purposes, it would be a wise strategy to select items from your portfolio to be included in a smaller interview portfolio. The smaller portfolio can be presented during the interview and would be less overwhelming to the interviewer. 

By Lenny

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015

African Animals Visual Aid

Hello my dear Fellow teacher today I will Share with you one of my works in art. 
Is something really special I feel really proud with my results.

First:This Visual Aid in particular was made for a Littel girl that needed this to her oral final exam that is to talk about animals in some kind of poem or story that the teacher gave to her on friday.
So I use carboard ( White) color markers and colors ( pencils ) to made it , So I want you to coment and tell me what you think. 

Giraffes are Tall with necks so long

Elephants are big and strong 

Zebras have strips and can gallop away

While the monkey is in the Trees does sway 

Old Crocodile swims in the pool so deep

Our Lies in the sun and goes to sleeps. 


domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

A Knight's Tale

The night was full of stars and the moon shone in all its intensity, suddenly in the forest the steps of 2 horses running with 2 handsome princes, one of them said, we're almost there. It was the Cunningham brothers, two brave and fearless boys, sons of King Aaron. They were appreciated by all the Snowlake townspeople , and the Princes were going to help the good people of Fireville, who had problems with soldiers from a distant kingdom, they used to abuse of the humble townspeople and the sweet Princess could never come to good terms with the distant King, because she didn't want to get marry with his horrible and crazy son.

By Lenny

Resultado de imagen para princess fairy tales

  The Cunningham brothers were  happy to be there since they knew that the princess was really beautiful. The village  was quiet, they were riding their horses looking around the place, Everybody looked worry. Suddenly, they saw a group of people at the door of the princess´s castle. Karl Cunningham said, "Hey !, look at those people, they look like waiting for something." Mike, his younger brother said, " you´re right,  let´s ask them what´s going on." The two brothers came by and they were recieved with joyful smiles and thankful faces. The townspeople were waiting for them . By Keysi.

On arrival we were met by a crowd of people between peasants and nobles who stepped aside to let them pass to where the king and queen were. The king afflicted with joy to watch two young gentlemen. - what a joy! finally two brave young people have come to my assistance and my kingdom. Both young men looked at each other confused. - A few days ago the evil sorcerer of the black forest came demanding the hand of my daughter ,Princess Romina , angry  I refused but because of my insolence my daughter pay the price , as the sorcerer's threw a  spell, taking my daughter happiness,  she can not  smiles any more   we can not see or hear his beautiful angelic smile.said the king. Both young knights observed, draw their swords, exclaimed at the same time - we will defeat the vile sorcerer of the black forest and bring the Princess Romina   happiness!
By : Jossy
Resultado de imagen para PRINCES AND PRINCE

Regardless of the Princes Romina curse of her not smiling anymore  she continue to be happy because she met the love of her life Prince Karl.  She also have a sister by the name of Princes Tonina who was also in love with the Prince Mike. How romantic that both brothers prince was in loved with the two princes Romina and Tonina. Because of the curse both brother did all they could to get rid of that bloody curse of the princes not ever smiling again. And all in a sudden one day Princes Romina woke and looked in the mirror and for the first time she was able to smile and no one new who or what was the remedy used to break the curse.  But neither the princess or the prince cared how it was broken as long as she can smile again and they can all be together for the rest of their life.
By: Ana

The next day, they start training to learn and improve their skills as a fighter, when they finished training, they knew that was not going to be easy to defeat the vile sorcerer black forest. Suddenly, it appeared a wise guy saying to him, you think you are going to win with this technique, the only way to defeat him is to believe in you and your swords. after all he said disappeared, finally, it was time to fight, at first the sorceres of the black forest was winning the fight, but what the sorcerer did not know that the two gentleman had a plan under the sleeves.
By Enrique

We can conclude this story with positive messages as we can read the negative became positive. We also know that bad actions do not last forever, because everything comes to light. That although some try to do, hatching and wanting to destroy the final good is imposed upon evil. Jealousy is not a good counselor. And that although everything seems bad, negative dark at the end of the road all can become joy. AND AT THE END LIKE ALL GOOD HISTORY ALL WERE HAPPY! BY: IRE

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

Seminar: Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn

Seminar Organize by Empreser ELT
at Hotel Continental
August 19th


It was a nice afternoon to learn new things.

By Lenny

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2015



A great teacher gives affection to the pupils, makes them understand what emotion is.

 A great teacher smiles to his/her pupils even when they screw him up.

 A great teacher teaches not only text book materials but also the truth that's happening outside. Practice balanced with theory.

 A great teacher dedicates him/herself to the job.
 They made a commitment. Then they have to do it. 

A great teacher understands that a child is not only a tiny bundle of joy that can cry,
smile, and laugh. He/she must understand that in front of him stands a true miracle
of life.

A great teacher Interacts with the child (physically and mentally).

By Lenny

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015

LINKS: Our Fellow Teachers

By Lenny

Why kids have fear of English?

Hello fellow teachers! 
I was thinking about : why kids are affraid of English? well the mayority of them in Panama, they dont like English , WHY??  well talked with my brother he said: It is because of the teachers , It si because I dont understand the language!! and teachers speak everything in English.

And Yes He is right! In some schools( Biligual ) they think that children are kind of robots who repeat and repeat sitting on a chair looking at the teacher as zombies.
thanks god not all teacher are like need to taste , to smell and see things to undestand , analize and learn !

What do you thing? 

Some good videos
 I dont know why kids love this song so much jajajajaja

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

My Past Experience! - MA

My First Grade Class, Lions International School
Check out my Bulletin Board!

 I shared a few links on the main page, hope everyone takes a look! But I will share on this blog post a few pictures of when I was working as a first grade teacher in David. I still keep in touch with almost all the students and parents, I learned so much from each of them I consider this time one my biggest accomplishments.

Technology in the Classroom -MA

Types of Technology Integration

It is sometimes difficult to describe how technology can impact learning because the term "technology integration" is such a broad umbrella that covers so many varied tools and practices; there are many ways technology can become an integral part of the learning process. Just a few of these ways are listed below -- but new technology tools and ideas emerge daily.

Online Learning and Blended Classrooms

While K-12 online learning gains traction around the world (visit our Schools That Work package about online learning), many teachers are also exploring blended learning -- a combination of both online and face-to-face education. Read a blog by Heather Wolpert-Gawron about blended learning. 

Learning with Mobile and Handheld Devices

Once widely dismissed as distractions, devices like cell phones, mp3 players, and tablet computers are now being used as learning tools in forward-thinking schools. Check out our downloadable guide, Mobile Devices in the Classroom. Read a blog by Ben Johnson on using iPads in the classroom or an article about using cell phones for educational purposes. Check out the case study by former Edutopia executive director Milton Chen on using iPods to teach English language learners, or there's a blog by Audrey Watter about texting in the classroom. We also have a blog series that maps k-5 iPad apps to Bloom's taxonomy by Diane Darrow. You will many more links on our Mobile Learning Resource Roundup page.

Instructional Tools like Interactive Whiteboards and Student Response Systems

In many schools, the days of green chalkboards are over. Read an article about how to put an interactive whiteboard to best use, or one with tips from a teacher about her favorite ways to use her whiteboard. Read an article about using classroom response systems for interactive assessment and watch a video where a student-reponse system is used in a classroom.

Web-Based Projects, Explorations, and Research

One of the first, and most basic, ways that teachers encouraged kids to use technology was with online research, virtual field trips, and webquests. Watch videos about online collaborative projects Journey North and the JASON project. Read an article by Suzie Boss about using web-based resources to help your classroom go global, and here's an article with links to wonderful virtual field trips. Or check out these useful how-to articles about using online photo archives for primary sources, teaching with virtual libraries, and helping students do research on the web.

Student-Created Media like Podcasts, Videos, or Slideshows

One of the central ideas of digital or media literacy is that students should be come creators and critics, not just consumers, of media. Read an article about student-produced podcasts, or find out more about quality digital storytelling in a blog by Suzie Boss. 

Collaborative Online Tools like Wikis or Google Docs

Connecting with others online can be a powerful experience, both for teachers and for students. TeacherVicki Davis is an evangelist for such connections; watch a video about technology in her classroom or read an article she wrote for Edutopia on creating personal learning networks for students. Read an article about the basics of how wikis work, and blogger Audrey Watters makes the case for why wikis still matter. 

Using Social Media to Engage Students

Though social media tools are still blocked in many schools, students around the world spend vast amounts of time on social networks outside of school. Read a blog that makes the case for social media in education, and article that goes over how to use social-networking technology for learning, or another blog about how to co-opt students’ favorite social media tools for classroom use. 

The Importance of Classroom Decoration - MA

If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn. 

Dr. Reinisch cites a study of 25 first-graders whose classroom was revamped over a period of four months to include appealing elements such as comfortable reading spaces, fish, plants and displays of student artwork. The children’s reactions were recorded through interviews, student journals and observations. The first-graders expressed ownership and pride at their artwork being included in the classroom decor, and their journals, comments and drawings expressed appreciation for the aesthetic additions to their environment. 

How important is a comfortable classroom?

Of the elements teachers might consider adding to their classrooms, which ones are the most important to student success?  Reinisch notes another study in which 775 students identified “comfort” as “most necessary” in their classroom.  The students, who ranged from fourth to eighth grade, also correlated the following elements to a good learning environment:
  • A clean classroom
  • Artwork and wall decorations
  • A classroom pet
Let’s look at each of these in a bit more detail:

Clean classrooms

Because children have an almost infinite capacity for making messes and spreading germs, it’s incumbent on teachers to tackle cleanliness issues head-on. A few things to keep in mind:
  • Spills should be reported to the maintenance staff immediately to prevent mold and bacteria from taking on a life of their own.
  • Kids should be schooled in sanitation, washing their hands after potty breaks, using hand sanitizer and avoiding hand-to-hand contact when they have colds and the flu.
  • Never let your own work pile up and clutter your desk or any areas of the classroom. Clutter makes it that much harder to get through your lessons efficiently.
  • Always tidy up before you leave for the day.

Artwork and wall decorations

Decorating school walls with children’s artwork is as old as school itself. Suggestions for classroom art:
  • With an eye toward keeping the room clean, save the glue, scissors and glitter for special occasions and make sure you account for the time required to get the room back in order before the end of the school day. Kids can work wonders with a few crayons and pencils.
  • The Internet has become a vast trove of ideas for classroom art projects. The image-sharing site Pinterest is a particularly rich resource.
  • Because there are no limits on what you can do with art in your classroom, it’s easier on your brain to keep it simple: connect artwork to lessons, current events, holidays and such.

Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. - MA

Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

 It also important to know, if kids come to us from strong, healthy functioning families, it makes our job easier. If they do not come to us from strong, healthy, functioning families, it makes our job more important.

Perhaps you’ve heard the statement, “They won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” When students are asked about the qualities of good teachers, they confirm the truth of that statement—caring is always at or near the top of the list.

Demonstrations of caring don’t require that you be available to your students 24/7, or that you know the details of their personal lives and share the details of your own. Those actions, as recent news stories have attested, will get you into hot water for blurring the boundaries of the teacher-student relationship.

Caring is evident when you recognize students as unique human beings with different learning needs and preferences, and when you “check in” with students through actions such as walking around the classroom, talking to everybody to see how they are doing, answering their questions, and expressing confidence in their ability to improve.

Try any of the following ideas to check in with your students and keep tabs on how they are doing:

Greet Them—Stand by the door and greet all students by name as they enter. By reading students’ body language as well as listening to their comments, you will easily pick up on any emotional tension students are bringing into the room. You may be able to alleviate some tension by making this quick connection.

2 x 10—Spend two minutes a day for 10 consecutive days with a disengaged student. These interactions might happen in various places, such as in class, at the student’s locker, and in the cafeteria. Focus on building a relationship with the student, not on talking about their lack of engagement!

George’s Book—I attended a workshop years ago where a teacher named George told us that he selected five students to focus on in each class. He made a point of noticing and recording positives about each student in a class notebook. I remember that George’s notes were heartwarming and inspiring, that his students loved reading the notebook, and that his awareness of his students’ unique strengths had an enormous impact on the engagement and achievement of even the most disengaged adolescents. I tried this approach in my own classroom but couldn’t keep it up. Nevertheless, this idea, or a variation of it, is worth the effort, especially if you or your students feel caught in a spiral of negative energy and need to turn things around.

My Life in Six Words—Here’s an idea that’s tailor-made for the text-messaging generation: Legend has it that when Ernest Hemingway was challenged to write a novel in six words, he wrote, “For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn.” Larry Smith, editor of the online magazine Smith, picked up on this idea a few years ago and invited readers to submit their life story in exactly six words. Smith published several collections of these six-word stories, including one by adolescents, titled I Can’t Keep My Own Secrets. Inspire your students by showing them this wonderful video clip, and then check in with them by inviting them to tell you how they are doing, using exactly six words.

       Debrief with Students—Class meetings or community circles are well worth the time and effort. Use meetings at the beginning of the year to help students get to know each other and to establish the processes and ground rules of meetings. Use meetings throughout the year to solve classroom problems. Class meetings give you a way to check in with all of your students, and they build students’ commitment to community. However, if you feel that you really don’t have the time for occasional class meetings, you can also debrief more informally at the end of a class by asking your students, “What do you think went well for us today?” and “What do we need to do to make further progress tomorrow?”

Attend Extracurricular Events—There’s no question this recommendation is asking a lot of busy teachers, but acting on it can make a world of difference, especially to disengaged students. They’ll know that you care enough to support them by attending events outside the classroom. It’s also reassuring and informative to see these students in an environment where they are capable and engaged.

 - Mary Ann

Motivating Students - MA

Click here!

One of the most difficult aspects of becoming a teacher is learning how to motivate your students. It is also one of the most important. Students who are not motivated will not learn effectively. They won’t retain information, they won’t participate and some of them may even become disruptive. A student may be unmotivated for a variety of reasons: They may feel that they have no interest in the subject, find the teacher’s methods un-engaging or be distracted by external forces. It may even come to light that a student who appeared unmotivated actually has difficulty learning and is need of special attention.
While motivating students can be a difficult task, the rewards are more than worth it. Motivated students are more excited to learn and participate. Simply put: Teaching a class full of motivated students is enjoyable for teacher and student alike. Some students are self-motivated, with a natural love of learning. But even with the students who do not have this natural drive, a great teacher can make learning fun and inspire them to reach their full potential.
Please check out the link to see more. 

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

A short video that will teach us to value ourselves and friends


Swimming is a brilliant all-round exercise. It benefits the body and the mind and what’s more it’s fun!

It’s good for your health, good for fitness and can help you lose weight. Whatever your age or ability swimming is an option. If you are nervous in the water it’s never too late to have lessons.


Swimming is good for your health

Swimming regularly may help reduce the risk of chronic illnesses in some people. It can also make you feel better.
"Swimming, taking the plunge for a fitter lifestyle", highlights how swimming cuts men’s risk of dying early by about 50% compared to runners, walkers and those who don’t do any activities.
It found regular swimming is also great for both sexes because it is likely to reduce heart disease and type-2 diabetes by about 535 cases in 100,000 people.

A 30-minute session at the pool on one or more days a week will count towards your recommended weekly activity target but any amount of time exercising no matter how long or short is good for you.
When you swim you can let your mind float away.
"Swimming clears the mind, encourages positivity in individuals and builds a sense of self worth that is not truly calculable. In short, it can make people feel better."



Irema's Didactic Games 
It's time to learn and play!

Learn how to complete a puzzle quicker tan the other team

For an additional experience, please watch the following video
Spelling Marker
¡The idea is to write a Word using a market but with the help of 4 persons!
This a great tool for 1st graders to work as a team
Write as much words as posible in 10 minutes
The main objective is spelling of the words and develop teamwork.
For an additional experience, please watch the following video