viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

Lecture: Smart Notebook 11 and The Importance of a Portfolio

SMART Notebook 11

Lecturer: Prof. Mariela Marin

A SMART Notebook is a collaborative learning software, that allows educators to easily create engaging interactive learning experiences while providing the flexibility to respond to the needs of learners in realtime. Plus, it’s easy to standardize on Notebook software across all brands of interactive hardware in your school or district.

Is quickly and easily create and aggregate dynamic, interactive content. Allow for real-time changes in instruction with formative assessment and other interactive tools. Ensure that teachers can standardize across interactive displays and operating systems with a flexible, evolving platform. Leverage teacher and student devices to drive discussion, assessment and content creation. Tailor the experience for every lesson with subject-specific functionality. Enjoy the benefits of a proven technology developed specifically for education over 22 years, and used in 2.4 million classrooms worldwide.

The Importance of a Portofolio
Lecturer: Mgstr. Nereida Soo

The Importance of a Portfolio A portfolio is a living and changing collection of records that reflect your accomplishments, skills, experiences, and attributes. It highlights and showcases samples of some of your best work, along with life experiences, values and achievements. The personal information that you incorporate into your portfolio can greatly reflect on your abilities as an individual as well as become a useful tool in marketing yourself to employers, corporations, colleges and universities. A portfolio does not take the place of a resume, but it can accentuate your abilities and what you can offer in the chosen field.

Why do I need a portfolio? 
A portfolio can set you apart from other applicants, whether in a professional or academic setting. • It allows you to be more personal and creative in order to expand on and exhibit your skills, knowledge, projects and experiences. • A portfolio is a method of selfdiscovery and confidencebuilding. • It is a multi-faceted way to organize your accomplishments, goals, aspirations, and personal thought. It showcases your personality to potential employers and organizations. • It is a useful tool to include in an interview. It provides tangible proof of your skills and abilities and demonstrates to the employer that you are qualified for that specific job. • It can be helpful in applying for bonuses, scholarships, grants and negotiating promotions and raises. • A portfolio demonstrates prior work or learning experiences that can be useful for educational credit.

How do I create an ePortfolio?
Online Portfolio—Useful in an academic and professional setting; enables your credentials to be more easily accessible via the internet. This should not take the place of a hard copy portfolio, but be created in addition to one. This portfolio can be very helpful for those planning on applying for a job in the field of technology and/or graphic design. Also, an online portfolio can be useful to anyone in any given field. As the Information Age progresses, prospective employers are beginning to request online portfolios. Bear in mind that several employers may be located afar and with one click of a mouse, they can access your information more readily

As the Information Age progresses, prospective employers are beginning to request online portfolios. Bear in mind that several employers may be located afar and with one click of a mouse, they can access your information more readily.

What should my portfolio include?
A Good portfolio would probably have most of the following

- An index of the contents
- Your CV including your interests and any evidence of project management skills.
- Your CV should give the impression that you think like a designer.
-Perphaps a profile or personal statement.
-Your key achievements and skills
- Examples of your work of course with good documentation. Place the best and most relevant work first and start and finish with strong pieces of work.
- Include a variaty of examples of work you have done.
Your main example needs to reflect your strenghts and your creative approach and flair.
-Items that show our thought process and development of ideas are valuable: seuqence of photos for example.
- Production portfolios can also include budget sheets, idea pitches and marketing materials.

IMPORTANT: Always be as specific as possible. Your portfolio can become quite a large collection of materials. For interview purposes, it would be a wise strategy to select items from your portfolio to be included in a smaller interview portfolio. The smaller portfolio can be presented during the interview and would be less overwhelming to the interviewer. 

By Lenny

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